The FXV33* EasySwitch is the electric control distributor from the SAUTER FXV system family that enables energy-efficient use of panel heating systems. The EasySwitch simplifies fitting and commissioning while also impressing with its simple, intuitive installation and operation.
With the FXV33* EasySwitch, underfloor distributors can be pre-assembled faster and more easily. This is done in just two steps, without any time-consuming rewiring:
Thanks to the FXV33* EasySwitch from SAUTER, the system can already be pre-assembled in the workshop, simplifying the more complex fitting directly in the field. Thus, during pre-assembly, precise knowledge of the overall plant is no longer required. Thanks to the EasySwitch, rooms can also be allocated retrospectively without a great deal of work.
EasySwitch – the electric distributor for thermal actuators for unit valves in room heating (underfloor heating) – is installed in the cabinet of the underfloor-heating distributor. It provides the power supply for the connected thermostats and valves, as well as a shared time programme. It forwards the commands of the room controller to the thermal actuators. The twelve rotary switches can be used to assign one or more thermal actuators individually to each room thermostat.
A separate input for the distribution of a shared time programme allows the cross-room changeover to set-back mode. The time programme can be set via an electronic room thermostat (e.g. SAUTER TRA 421) or via an external timer. Alternatively, the input can be used for the changeover between heating and cooling.
The specific advantages of the FXV33* EasySwitch at a glance:
As the leading provider of solutions for building automation technology in Green Buildings, SAUTER ensures good climate conditions and a sense of well-being in sustainable environments. SAUTER is a specialist in developing, producing and marketing products and systems for energy-efficient total solutions, and offers a comprehensive range of services to ensure the energy-optimised operation of buildings. Our products, solutions and services enable high energy efficiency throughout the entire life-cycle of a building – from planning and construction through to operation – in office and administrative buildings, research and educational facilities, hospitals, industrial buildings and laboratories, airports, leisure facilities, hotels and data centres. With over 100 years’ experience and a track record of technological expertise, SAUTER is a proven system integrator that stands for continuous innovation and Swiss quality. SAUTER provides users and operators with an overview of energy flows and consumption, and therefore of the development of the costs involved.
219/8 Duong so 5 Khu pho 3, Binh Hung Hoa Ward Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tel. +84 (0) 90 2540 929 long.nt(at)tl-controls(dot)com Sauter Building Control International GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 15 DE-79108 Freiburg i. Br. Tel. +49 761 510 54 05 Fax +49 761 510 54 20 ms.sbci(at)de.sauter-bc(dot)com www.sauter-controls.comOm het formulier te verzenden, moet u inhoud laden van reCAPTCHA. Houd er rekening mee dat u op deze manier gegevens deelt met providers van derden.
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